With the aim of promoting business development in the region, the Universidad Industrial de Santander-Sede Málaga, participates in the first version of “Expo García Rovira 2024” led by the Chamber of Commerce of Bucaramanga in the capital of the province.
In this opportunity, the Zootechnics program will showcase forage species as an alternative for animal feed. According to the professor, Julian Botero, this allows producing food of high nutritional value and low cost, which increases profitability and decreases dependence on commercial balanced inputs.

“The objective is to look for species that adapt to the soil and climatic conditions of each production system and implement the species and, based on this, select them according to the nutritional requirements of the animals to be fed,” said the professor of the Zootechnics program at the UIS Malaga campus.
These practices are already being incorporated in the region in different production models and pilot systems led by the University and the Research Seminar for the production and use of pasture and forage “SIPAF” formed by students of this career.
At present, the UIS Malaga Campus, together with the research group in agricultural sciences and ecology (GICAE), is promoting the implementation of a pilot plant for the production of balanced feed from forage production in the region, which will be used for a stabled livestock production model.

In Garcia Rovira there are plants with great nutritional potential such as the “Lupinus” genus with proteins close to 38% and a metabolizable energy of 4187kcal/kg. Also highlighted is the species “Baccharis Latifolia” with 20.64% protein and metabolizable energy of 4523kcal/kg that allow animals to increase their productive performance.

During the first version of Expo Garcia Rovira 2024, the Headquarters Coordinator, Deicy Dalida Delgado Diaz, also participates as a panelist in the forum on “Challenges for rural development”.
Different entrepreneurs and institutions from all over the region participate in the event and through a business roundtable they present to the province the different ventures and research projects.