A delegation of the Forestry Engineering program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander-Malaga, composed of 13 students, the graduate Alex Carvajal who is also vice president of ALECIF (Latin American Association of Forestry Students) and teachers Doris Duarte Hernandez and Sandra Diaz, participate in the XXVII Latin American Congress of Forestry Students held in the city of Riobamba, Ecuador.
The congress annually brings together students, teachers and researchers of forestry engineering and related careers, with the aim of carrying out an academic and cultural exchange that enriches the vision of this field in Latin America.
On this occasion, research is presented through presentations and workshops with the participation of students from Colombia, Panama, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Peru, Costa Rica, Mexico and of course Ecuador as the host country.

Professor Sandra Diaz, Coordinator of the Forestry Engineering program at UIS Malaga, said that the students of the University, presented in the form of poster different works, including:
– Biomass management for sustainable management of forest fires.
– Carbon sequestration in high Andean forests of Garcia Rovira: Potential for climate change mitigation.
– Analysis of insect pest diversity in plantations with exotic species and native forests in the Colombian high Andean zone.
– Richness and diversity of the Orchidaceae family in an Andean forest of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera.
– Mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Colombia: strategies for a sustainable future.
– Structure and composition of vegetation in three cover types of the Pajal Reserve, Bucaramanga metropolitan aqueduct.
– Climate change risk to global forest health, from diagnosis to action: Insect traps and conservation in Andean ecosystems.
– Soil physical properties, a systemic review of the importance in commercial forestry plantations.

Also, Alex Carvajal, a graduate of the Forestry Engineering program, participated as a speaker with a paper entitled “Structural connectivity of the landscape and identification of priority areas for sustainable production in an area of the northeastern Andes, Colombia”.
In this important event, Professor Doris Duarte gave a workshop on invasive species and those with invasive potential, and Professor Sandra Díaz gave a lecture entitled “Beyond the Forest: Landscape Ecology as a Tool for Sustainable Forest Management”.
The participating students worked throughout the year to consolidate their research work and raise the necessary funds for their registration and travel to the congress. Likewise, they carried out multiple activities with the support of their families and the community in general, and for this reason, today from the Congress, they send special thanks to all those who contributed to this dream.