Students of the Zootechnical program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander – Sede Malaga along with Professor Julian Botero, participated in the workshop led by the Secretary of Agriculture of the Government of Santander, on the construction of the roadmap for the transformation of food systems and land use in the department.
The day brought together various actors who addressed a dialogue of knowledge in order to prioritize actions within the framework of the “Alliance for food and land use in Santander”.

In this regard, Leidy Zambrano, a sixth semester student of the zootechnical program, highlighted the importance of participating as a university in these spaces.
“It was a participatory and inclusive workshop, where very important issues that concern the agricultural sector were addressed. In this way, we broadened the panorama we have of Santander and the way in which food production can be improved, taking into account good land use. It also allowed us to interact with the community, reflecting the strengths and weaknesses that are present in the region”.
For Jaider Aparicio, a seventh-semester student in the Animal Husbandry program, one of the most striking aspects of the workshop was related to food safety. “As future zootechnicians these topics are of great interest because we know more in depth the guidelines of the departmental and national government in this field”.
The workshop was held this Thursday in the capital of the province of García Rovira with local authorities, representatives of the educational sector and peasant organizations of the region.