In order to take stock of the implementation of the Sounds for Peacebuilding Program, PSCP, in partnership with the Industrial University of Santander, UIS during 2024 in the departments of Santander, Norte de Santander, Sur de Bolivar and Cesar, the territorial managers, along with their pedagogical support met at the University where they shared successful experiences and worked on the implementation of the PSCP-UIS in 2025.
Likewise, during the meeting, the professionals had the opportunity to share pedagogical experiences with Maestro Aníbal Héctor García, director of Choirs in Argentina, who learned first-hand how the PSCP-UIS works and how it has been implemented in the northeast of the country. For Maestro García, the Program is a great cultural bet that can be an example for neighboring countries.
Rubén Darío Castillo Meza, Pedagogical Coordinator of the PSCP – UIS, said that during the fourth meeting of Territorial Managers they discussed the completion of the Program in terms of pedagogical, administrative, and formats that must be met to achieve the goals required by the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Knowledge. Regarding the presence of maestro Aníbal Héctor García, he said that “he shared with us moments of his learning and what this has contributed to the social and cultural aspects of his country, based on the formation of choirs”.

For Leonor Patiño Pérez, Pedagogical support of Node 6 in Cesar, said that the meeting was profitable because doubts were resolved in order to finalize the Program in the best way during 2024. “We had some doubts regarding the formats, but we managed to solve them thanks to the advice we received,” Patiño Pérez said.
Meanwhile, Carlos Andrés Pedroza Redondo, Pedagogical support of Node 4 in the South of Bolívar, said that the balance, despite the fact that the Program has just started, is very positive due to the impact generated in the territory and reflected in the artistic exhibitions that took place in the territories.
Eliana Contreras, Pedagogical support of Node 15 in Santander, said that the talk with the Argentinean maestro was very relevant because one of the pedagogical routes of the program is focused on the choral, then the shared experiences that are advanced in Argentina give a guide to what could be done in the territory with Sounds for Peacebuilding.

Participation of maestro Anibal Héctor García
During the meeting with the managers, the maestro Aníbal Héctor García, director of Choirs in Argentina, said that despite the distance between the two countries there are similar experiences and the space for exchange with the managers had to do with what “we have implemented at the National University of Río Negro, where I work, in relation to cultural management, art as a tool for social transformation that you build here and we build there from the choral field, collective singing,” said García.
The Argentinean teacher was “overwhelmed” by the effort made by the UIS to bring Sounds for Peacebuilding to the territories, and said that the work of the University is “excellent and should be an example in many places. What you do is fantastic because of the direct link with the children, their families and the territory”, he concluded.
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Entérate of how the Government of Change transforms territories through arts and cultures.