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Communications Department The Instituto de Proyección Regional y Educación a Distancia (Ipred) extended, until January 31st, the deadline for the registration of …

Communications Department Four ventures of graduates of the Universidad Industrial de Santander benefited from the funding calls offered by the SENA Entrepreneur …

Since January 17, the public tender for the selection of permanent professors is open.The person aspiring to the positions must have high …

Dear university community, the Universidad Industrial de Santander, through its UIS e-Languages program of the Office of External Relations and Altissia is …

Communications DepartmentFlexible schedules with spaces for tutoring in night and Saturday shifts, the possibility of studying from remote areas and accessibility to …

With the presentation of ‘Nada en particular’ by the comedian Paulo Hernandez, this January 20th, the space ‘Juevescénico’ will return to the …

The Committee on Ethics in Scientific Research of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (CEINCI) presents to the university community the schedule of …

In order to offer guarantees of constant interaction with the UIS community and society, the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) has enabled …

Interested in the current call for Advanced Training Scholarships 2022-1 Ministerio de Educación-ICETEX for professors and teaching managers of official educational establishments. …

The Archivo Oral de Memoria de las Víctimas (Amovi-UIS), invites the community to review the inventories it has updated, both of its …

The Board of Directors and members of the Consejo Rector of the Fundación para el Desarrollo of the Universidad Industrial de Santander …

United in a single national voice, thousands of Colombians from all corners of the country gathered to participate in the dialogue strategy …