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In view of the termination of Dr. Hernán Porras Díaz’s term as Rector, scheduled for May 6, 2022, the Superior Council of …

The Academic Council, in a session held this Tuesday, approved Acuerdo No. 024, which establishes how the requirements will be verified and …

With a research that allowed comparing the outcomes of the different surgical approaches used for the management of diaphragmatic hernias, Sergio Alejandro …

With his work ‘Origins and Legacy of Indigenous Women’, Franklin Piaguaje, member of the Siona indigenous community and student of Plastic Arts …

Dear university community, You are invited to read the 29th issue of the HUS Accreditation Bulletin. In this magazine, you will find …

In view of the peak of COVID-19 infections that the country is facing, the Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social urged the …

Communications DepartmentIn February, the process for the election of the UIS Rector who will lead the University in the period 2022-2025 begins. …

Communications Department Our planet Earth is a dynamic system in which endogenous and exogenous processes permanently change the terrestrial physiognomy, contribute to …

This Thursday, February 3rd, the activity of the Low Maus Chair 2021-2 Bucaramanga 400 years: history, culture and society continues. After the …

Communications Department To publicize their projects, the candidates for the deanship of the UIS Faculty of Sciences will hold a forum through …

Students interested in the canteen service corresponding to the FIRST academic semester of 2022 and who consider to be in SITUATION OF …

Communications Department This Monday, January 31, was a special day for the academic community of the School of Arts of the Universidad …

Communications Department The Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension (VIE) of the Universidad Industrial de Santander invites the UIS community to …

Communications Department In order to guarantee timely and quality attention to early childhood, 320 educational agents and community mothers from 13 regions …

Communications Department In order to contribute to the identification of positive cases generated by the fourth wave of COVID-19 infections and the …

Communications Department During the year 2021, the Hemocenter of the Hospital Universitario de Santander made a call to the Santander community to …

Communications DepartmentGloria Blanco, who graduated in Nutrition and Dietetics from Universidad Industrial de Santander in 2002, will be the new guest on …

Communications Department The Oral Archive of Memory of Victims (Archivo Oral de Memoria de las Víctimas – Amovi-UIS) is one of the …

Communications Department The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), taking as background the ruling of July 8, 2020 and the provisions of Ley …

Communications Department With two research projects focused on generating greater impact and application of bio waxes in the industrial sector, researchers MSc. …

The Specialization Program in Automotive Engineering is aimed at Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Electronic Engineers, Electromechanical Engineers, Mechatronics Engineers, Industrial Engineers, and …

Saber UIS call

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) has designed a strategy that begins with a personalized diagnostic test, related to the generic and …

Communications Department 35 victims settled in the metropolitan area of Bucaramanga participated in the construction of the report ‘Somos Memoria’, on forced …

Communications Department Next January 30th, the program ‘Vecinos y Amigos’ at the UIS will be filled with musical shows, circus, theater, children’s …

Participate in the Validation of the Anti-Corruption and Citizen Service Plan (Transparency Plan 2022). Citizens, university communities, and institutional stakeholders are invited …

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), through the Oficina Relaciones Exteriores (RELEXT), received 23 new students from 19 foreign institutions and four …

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), remains among the best universities in the world. According to the twelfth edition of the Quacquarelli …

María Isabella Arenas Hernández, student of the IX semester of Plastic Arts at the Institute of Regional Projection and Distance Education (Ipred), …

The launching of the book Historia básica de Bucaramanga, an original work that gathers the most significant research of professional historians from …

Medical image processing refers to the use of computational algorithms to improve the quality of images or to extract information that may …

In this opportunity the university community and the general public can learn about the research advances made by the Universidad Industrial de …

For two more years, the engineer Luis Orlando Aguirre Rodríguez, representing the professors of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), was sworn …

With the purpose of initiating the process of verification of the quality conditions, the School of Philosophy of the Universidad Industrial de …

The Language School and the Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), invite students administrators and professors to …

What began as an idea was the seed to plant a great communication project of the UIS, with which the University would …

Professor and researcher Guillermo Alfonso González Villegas was sworn in as Full Member of the Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural …

The ESE Hospital Universitario de Santander (HUS), the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) and the Government of Santander, as the only official …