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UIS is champion of women’s minitejo at the Inter Business Olympics 2024

Participantes de ASEDUIS y SINTRAUNICOL en interempresas 2024 – minitejo femenino.

The courts of the CAJASAN Recreational Center became the stage for the Women’s Mini-Team Tournament, one of the most anticipated activities of the Inter-Company Olympics 2024. This event brought together the best teams from different companies in the city, and was highlighted by the atmosphere of camaraderie and friendship that reigned among the athletes.

The teams formed by the Association of Alumni AsedUIS and the union Sintraunicol of the UIS stood out in the tournament. The competition was intense, but the UIS representatives shined by winning the first two places. The AsedUIS team, which was making its debut in this important event, won first place, while Sintraunicol secured second place, reaffirming its level after winning the title for the last four years.

Miembros de la UIS campeonas y sub campeonas de minitejo en el torneo interempresas 2024.

This tournament not only served as a platform for the display of sports skills, but also became a space for integration and strengthening of ties between colleagues.

The sporting event also included the 8-a-side soccer and American Bowling Tournament, where AsedUIS and Sintraunicol were runners-up, as well as the men’s mini-bowling team, which came in fourth place.