The Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension invites the university community to participate in a new virtual meeting ‘UN ESPACIO CON LA VIE’, which will be held on Thursday, March 24th, 2022 at 9:00 a.m.
On this occasion, directors of the Vice Rector’s Office will socialize the terms of reference and resolve all the concerns of the internal calls for the axis of strengthening the research activity of the Portafolio of Programs VIE.
This strengthening axis includes the call for support to research in the area of mental health, which is expected to receive articulating proposals between research groups from different schools. The maximum amount to be financed within this call for mental health research will be 30 million de pesos and the term of the project is a maximum of 12 months, counted from the signature of the initiation act. Proposals for this call will be received until April 18th.
There is also the call for basic research and articulated with the environment that seeks to contribute to the strengthening of the focus and emblematic missions defined by the Mission of Wise Men Colombia 2019 in an articulated manner with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which will be open until April 18.
In addition to basic and applied research proposals, this year a new modality was opened within this call for strategic interdisciplinary applied research programs, in which 6 proposals are expected to be financed for a value of up to 400 million pesos each. The research team for each proposal must be made up of professors from at least 3 research groups attached to at least 3 academic-administrative units, with the recommendation of linking professors from the regional headquarters.
Register to participate: https://renata.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpf-2grT0qH9RQn2XUxy3nNl4SfKTRSIjb