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UIS and U.S. Embassy seek to strengthen fraud prevention and student control

In a significant event for the academic community and international diplomacy, the Directorate of External Relations, Relex, of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, met this Friday with representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Colombia to discuss fraud prevention, registration and student control. This meeting symbolizes a step forward towards the consolidation of a more secure and transparent framework for academic and cultural exchange between both nations.

“The dialogue focused on the implementation of joint strategies to optimize the registration and monitoring processes for international students. This includes strengthening verification mechanisms to prevent fraud, guarantee the authenticity of the documentation presented and ensure more effective control over the stay and activities of foreign students in the United States,” said Diana Villafañe, Fraud Investigator, U.S. Embassy in Colombia.

The meeting also aims to facilitate academic exchange, promoting student mobility in a safe and regulated manner. Both parties seek to establish shared information systems that allow better monitoring of exchange programs and scientific collaboration, in order to enrich the educational and cultural experience of students, while protecting their integrity and guarding against any attempt of fraud.

This initiative, according to Carlos Vecino, UIS Director of External Relations, “reflects the University’s commitment to foster a safer and more reliable academic environment, as well as international collaboration in higher education and the contribution to fraud prevention and the improvement of student monitoring and tracking at the international level.