With ten academic sessions covering topics of general culture, the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), at the initiative of the Low Maus Chair, pays tribute to the 400th anniversary of Bucaramanga. The activities are aimed at students and the community in general.
This edition of the Chair, which began in November 2021, is in charge of the UIS School of History. During the present period, related topics have been covered, such as: processes of origins, opportunities as an educational space, Bucaramanga as a scenario of culture and sports, public heritage, and socioeconomic conditions, among others.
The Ágora auditorium of the Faculty of Human Sciences opened its doors again to receive the public interested in resuming the sessions of the Chair. For this opportunity, professors Roger Díaz (UIS) and Angélica Díaz (UDES) developed the theme: ‘Artistic expressions in the History of Bucaramanga’.
This academic space was consolidated 15 years ago to complement the academic training of students who integrate the undergraduate and graduate programs of the UIS, in addition to providing a free cultural space for the external public. The objective is to learn about transversal themes and allow participation in debates.
Carlos Alberto Vargas, student at the UIS School of History and Archival Studies, highlighted the importance of these academic spaces: “This lecture on the 400 years of Bucaramanga, allows all students to learn about different topics in the city, in terms of development, society, urban planning, cultural and artistic expressions, and sports.” Besides, it is the place where we live, and we should feel proud that it is full of history and development. ” “We hope that the Low Maus Chair will continue to consolidate. Now that we return to in-person modality conditions, we cannot forget the benefit that the hybrid modality has granted. All this to take the Chair to another level, with the benefit of the community of Bumangués and Santander” said Fabio Vladimir Sánchez Calderón, coordinator of the Low Maus Chair.