After the call approved by the Academic Council of the Universidad Industrial de Santander for the formation of the List of Candidates for Occasional Lecturer Common Cycle, this Monday morning, 35 teachers signed their start minutes after complying with a strict selection process.
The ceremony, which also included the installation of a career professor: Carlos Andrés Cárdenas Balaguera, assigned to the School of Industrial Design, was held in the Jorge Zalamea room at 11:00 a.m. The new professor, Carlos Andrés Cárdenas Balaguera, was appointed to the position.
The occasional professor of the common cycle of the UIS is a natural professional person with academic qualifications to develop exclusive activities in the mission function of training, with full-time dedication. He/she is not a public employee, nor does he/she belong to the teaching career, nor is he/she an official worker.
As explained by Daniel Sierra Bueno, UIS academic vice rector, “the profile of occasional teachers of the common cycle is a linking profile focused exclusively on teaching, teachers in which it is essential that characteristic of working with students from different programs, in subjects of their area of competence, to train them in the best characteristics. This openness to receive students in the condition they come to us and to take them to the best potential they have is part of the characteristics for an occasional teacher of common cycle. They are also selected through competitions in special calls and the list is generated and from there, the teachers that are required are linked to them”.
On the other hand, “to become a UIS career professor, it is necessary to participate in the respective call, have the best academic profile and a track record in both teaching and research. Career professors are hired to fulfill the three mission functions: teaching, research and extension, since they have a regulatory framework in terms of activities and possibilities for development”.
Jorge Gómez Ríos, occasional professor of the common cycle of the School of Mathematics, said that “the challenge of being an occasional professor of the common cycle is to find a balance between providing a high quality education and accompanying students in their integral growth, understanding the characteristics of students entering the engineering programs, to whom we give support from the School of Mathematics, to understand how to plan classes and different activities, so that they are meaningful and focused on their learning needs”.
About what it means to him to be a UIS professor, Gómez Ríos said that “the university was the institution where I was trained as a mathematician and the place where I now develop my professional skills, so being a professor at the UIS, besides being a source of pride, is the opportunity to continue strengthening my skills as a human being, mathematician and teacher, in a learning ecosystem that is committed to the quality and relevance of its pedagogical practices”.
For Juan Camilo Lésmez Peralta, head of the Human Talent Management Division, “being a UIS professor means a very high responsibility and a very high commitment in the sense that we are the most valued and respected institution by all Santander citizens with an impact not only locally and regionally, but also nationally and internationally.
“It is an immense challenge to train the new generations that, of course, differ from those of us who were trained 20, 30, 40 years ago. It is a new generation, we are in an era of digital transformation, we are in an era of data analytics, we are in an era of artificial intelligence and, of course, our new teachers have the challenge of assuming their professorship, of assuming their management of the classroom and their group in light of the new trends in a global way.”
In view of this, Lésmez Peralta gave them “a warm welcome to the Universidad Industrial de Santander, and also extend the invitation to them to develop their daily work in light of what our code of integrity establishes, that is, applying the values of honesty, respect, commitment, diligence, justice, responsibility and empathy, not only for their students but for the entire university community, which makes us a transparent institution and in which a working environment that is what we want at the UIS is lived”.
Any person who aspires to be an occasional common cycle teacher at the UIS, must assume with commitment and full awareness of their ethical and social responsibility, the role of learning process guide that supports the integral formation of students, according to the Pedagogical Model, which is defined as an agreement of the community of teachers, students, directors and other servants of the institution, on the principles and the way to implement the educational process at the University.