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UIS Emprende and new financing opportunities for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur learns about financing opportunities

Communications Department

Next Wednesday, March 9th, the UIS Emprende program will open a new space for all entrepreneurs interested in learning about funding opportunities that will allow them to leverage their business models.

This is a new appointment with ‘El Sillón’, which this time will have the participation of the Foundation for the Development of Santander (Fundesan) and the Municipal Institute of Employment and Business Development of Bucaramanga (Imebu).

During the event, entrepreneurs and the community in general will receive information on credit and financing opportunities offered by each of these entities, such as the Banca Ciudadana program, which leverages micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

As guests will be Andrea Rodríguez Luna, coordinator of Banca Ciudadana and Luz Marina Cárdenas Plata, director of Fundesan, who promise to talk about financing options, amounts to be financed, requirements and mechanisms to access.

The UIS Emprende program will also provide all the details of modality 1 of the Entrepreneurial Platform for the structuring of business plans in order to be submitted to external funding calls, including Fondo Emprender. On this occasion, there will be a contextualization of the support offered by Fondo Emprender, requirements for access, financeable items, among others.

The event will be held through the zoom platform and will begin at 5:00 p.m. Registration: