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Anti-Corruption and Citizen service plan 2022

Participate in the Validation of the Anti-Corruption and Citizen Service Plan (Transparency Plan 2022). Citizens, university communities, and institutional stakeholders are invited to read the draft of the Anti-Corruption and Citizen Service Plan 2022 and send comments to to help shape this Plan.. Anticorruption and Citizen Service Plan 2022

Cytology tests for free

Communications Department The initiative of nursing student Elisa María Marulanda Moreno, who is currently developing her clinical practice in Bienestar Estudiantil through the Programa Docente Asistencial (PDA), was the incentive that prompted the organization of a day of free cytology tests without appointment for the students of this house of studies. Promoting the use of […]

Salud UIS consolidates its position as a leading journal in Northeastern Colombia

Communications Department The journal Salud UIS, founded in 1969, was recently ratified in category B, according to the classification of research groups carried out by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación. This is due to the increase in the citations of original research and opinions related to the pandemic that had local, regional, and […]

UIS professor to perform as soloist with orchestra in Germany

Communications Department. Natalia Avella Ramírez, professor at the School of Arts of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, will be the piano soloist who will perform with the Bad Homburger Kammerorchester orchestra next Sunday, January 30th. The musical program consists of three works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and in the third of them, which will close […]

Victims of the hand of Amovi-UIS, present Santander report to the JEP

Communications Department The Archivo Oral de Memoria de las Víctimas (Oral Archive of Victims’ Memory – AMOVI-UIS) will present to the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz – JEP) an extensive report on forced disappearance in Santander, which brings together 63 cases related to this victimizing event, with the participation of 35 […]

UIS approves agreement for the creation and modification of academic programs in the face of trends in higher education

Communications Department The Academic Council, in an extended session with school directors, approved this Tuesday the Acuerdo N°. 024 de 2022 through which the institutional referents for the creation, reform and modification of academic programs of the Universidad Industrial de Santander are defined. Acuerdo N°. 024 incorporates guidelines derived from Decreto 1330, Resolución 21795 de […]

Lawsuit against single-use plastics and waste management in Bucaramanga is admitted

Communications Department Did you know that Bucaramanga produces an average of 16,000 tons of organic and inorganic waste per month? Throwing plastics, food scraps, paper, cardboard, textiles, rubber, leather, gardening and wood, among others, is an unsustainable behavior that continues to generate serious environmental impacts in the short term, such as air, soil and water […]

Women’s work, a source of exploitation or emancipation? Conversatory

Communications Department The School of Law and Political Science invites the entire community to participate in the discussion “Women’s work as a source of exploitation or emancipation?”, which will take place on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 4:00 p. m. and will be broadcast live via Facebook from the page of the School of Law […]

In 2022 the UIS reaffirms its commitment to the communities due to its Socially Responsible Donations Program

Communications Department This new year will see the definitive reactivation of the Donations with Social Responsibility program that the Universidad Industrial de Santander has been carrying out for almost 10 years. Due to this program, institutions located in different municipalities of Santander and neighboring departments that are in vulnerable conditions benefit, thus giving great help […]