Communications Department
The Academic Council, in an extended session with school directors, approved this Tuesday the Acuerdo N°. 024 de 2022 through which the institutional referents for the creation, reform and modification of academic programs of the Universidad Industrial de Santander are defined.
Acuerdo N°. 024 incorporates guidelines derived from Decreto 1330, Resolución 21795 de 2020 and the Acuerdo 02 de 2020 del CESU, three superior norms that regulate the offer, accreditation, reform or modification of academic programs; as well as guidelines for the development of the Teaching function, established in the UIS21 Pedagogical Model, approved by Acuerdo N°. 233 de agosto 10 de 2021.
The document “Institutional references for the creation, reform and modification of academic programs” was built through a collective approach in the academic units, faculty senates, with school directors, coordinators and curricular leaders of programs, from whom observations were received in several socialization sessions.
In line with the approved Agreement, the presentation of Directiva 09 del 30 de diciembre de 2021 of the Ministerio de Educación Nacional was made by Professor Daniel Alfonso Sierra, UIS Planning Director. This new Directive allows making modifications to programs derived from the experiences of technological mediation of teaching as a consequence of incidental learning originated by the pandemic. Higher Education Institutions will have from January 31st to July 31st, 2022 to report to the Ministerio de Educación the modifications to academic programs.