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With a score of 4.52, UIS focuses on relevance and social impact

UIS bets on relevance and social impact
UIS bets on relevance and social impact

In fulfillment of one of our mission, outreach, the Universidad Industrial de Santander develops outreach policies and programs, aimed at promoting the presence and academic interaction of the UIS with society. The initiatives are aimed at improving the quality of life and contributing to sustainable development.

Evidence of this interaction is the rating of 4.52 (out of 5.0) for Factor 7: Relevance and social impact, given by students, professors, managers, administrators, graduates, employers and the external community, during the self-evaluation process, in preparation for the Renewal of Institutional Accreditation.

Among the most important results of Factor 7: Relevance and Social Impact

The interaction of the UIS with the environment has made it possible to contribute to local, regional and national development, and has also generated a work dynamic between the university community and external agents, which has led to changes within the institution to respond to the new challenges presented by the various sectors of society.

The main contribution of the UIS is made by its graduates, who are recognized for the quality of their education and the contribution they make to the development of the region and the country.

The UIS has a portfolio of services and programs for graduates to support their training and personal development, focused mainly on issues such as employability, continuing education, business growth and participation and interaction with the university, among others.

The issuance of regulations for the creation or recognition of Spin-Off companies in order to promote research activities, entrepreneurship, knowledge transfer and the use of creations of research groups.

The execution of projects that have further consolidated the relevance of the Institution in the environment, among which the following stand out: Guatiguará Technological Park; Technical Secretariat of the “Sustainable Energy” thematic focus of the International Mission of Wise Men; IdEAD, UIS Language Institute; Legal Clinic and Conciliation Center; Bio-Red-Co-Cenivam Temporary Union; Bio-Challenge XXI 15:50 Program; Santander BIO; UIS Emprende; Framework Agreement for Technological and Scientific Cooperation, UIS – Ecopetrol S. A; Amovi; Mesa de Bosques de Santander; Vecinos y Amigos; Casa Spachovsky; Olimpiadas Regionales de Matemáticas and Instituto Proinapsa.

The cultural activities are aimed at contributing to the socio-cultural identity, to the integral formation of the university population and to the personal growth of the members of the community in general.

The ‘VECINOS Y AMIGOS’ program offers recreational, sports, academic and artistic activities for all audiences and ages. It demonstrates the commitment of the UIS as an articulator of citizenship processes, providing spaces that contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the people of Santander.

To continue on the path of excellence, the UIS will continue to strengthen programs, actions and projects that allow it to maintain a permanent link with the various sectors of society, as well as with graduates. Renewal of Institutional Accreditation, ¡Together we make it possible!