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Research and artistic creation score 4.53 in institutional self-evaluation results

Research and artistic creation score 4.53 in self-evaluation
Research and artistic creation score 4.53 in self-evaluation

In order to strengthen research, innovation and artistic creation, as articulating axes, the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) institutionalized permanent support to research seedbeds and artistic groups. As a result of this process, these areas were rated with a score of 4.53 out of 5.0 during the institutional self-evaluation.

These achievements are the result of hard work on the part of professors and research groups, in response to the great academic productivity, the obtaining of patents, and the trajectory and visibility of the groups.

Today, the UIS has 70 patents (69 of them granted during the accreditation period). In addition, 31 patent applications filed with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) are in process.

It also has the Guatiguará Technology Park, an innovation ecosystem that contributes to regional economic transformation and promotes the University-Business-State link. The park has 10 central laboratories equipped with robust equipment and state-of-the-art technology: X-Ray Diffraction, Microscopy, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectrometry, Spectroscopy, Surface Science, Petrophysical Analysis, Petroleum Geochemistry, Tomography, and High-Performance Computing and Scientific Calculus.

On the other hand, the Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension (VIE) has a large portfolio, a dynamic instrument for research and extension at the UIS. It presents various programs and support modalities, aimed at fostering a research culture and social appropriation of knowledge. Among the programs offered by the VIE are: Seed Capital for Research, institutionalization of research seedbeds, linking researchers and innovators and graduate students, support for post-doctoral stays, UIS Ingenium, mobility of professors, students and visiting professors, Eloy Valenzuela Award, support for research groups, support for applications for registration of intellectual property rights, UIS Emprende, accreditation of laboratory tests, among others.