More than 1,000 vacancies offered at the Employment Day for All at the UIS

At least 190 people interested in improving their employment situation or starting their professional career participated in the Great Employment Day for All, an event organized in collaboration between the National Learning Service (SENA) and the Institutional Alumni Program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS).The event, which took place at the Casona La Perla, […]
The Superior Council awarded two meritorious distinctions to former rector Miguel José Pinilla Gutiérrez

The Superior Council, headed by the governor of Santander Juvenal Díaz Mateus, presented the distinctions ‘Meritorious Citizen’ and ‘UIS Merit’ to Miguel José Pinilla Gutiérrez, illustrious graduate and former rector. These awards were given in testimony of gratitude and recognition for his commitment to regional development, higher education and institutional strengthening of the UIS. “I […]
The UIS Contributes to Internationalization from the National Assembly in Quindío

On November 28 and 29, the Directorate of External Relations of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) actively participated in the National Assembly of the Colombian Network for Internationalization, an event that took place at the University of Quindío (Uniquindío). This assembly brought together representatives of various educational institutions and entities related to international cooperation, […]