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With a score of 4.72 out of 5, academic support resources and physical infrastructure passed the test

In order to comply with the mission of teaching, research and extension, the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) has excellent bibliographic resources, laboratories, workshops, teaching materials, audiovisual equipment, relevant practice scenarios, computer equipment and information and communication technologies. Evidence of these results is the score of 4.72 (out of 5.0) given to Factor 11: Academic […]

Enjoy the last week of the month with culture, art and performance shows at the UIS

The Cultural Direction of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) brings a new week full of artistic, cultural, social and entertainment activities. The entire university community and the general public can attend to enjoy the varied programming. The events include musical shows, theater, cultural talks, comedy, dance, cinema and sports activities, among others. All programming […]

Open call for scholarships from the fundación Carolina

The Directorate of External Relations of the UIS informs that the Call for Scholarships 2022-2023 of the Carolina Foundation is open. Doctoral scholarships and postdoctoral short stays 40 PhD scholarships and 50 short stays scholarships are being called among all candidates submitted by institutions and universities according to the cooperation agreements signed bilaterally. The deadline […]

Institutional project – PI and PDI at cátedra UIS

This Monday, February 21st, CÁTEDRA UIS will have as its special guest Professor Daniel Alfonso Sierra Bueno, who currently serves as Director of Planning at the Universidad Industrial de Santander. The lecture will be given as part of the third component called THE UIS – Institutional Project – IP and IMP. The lecture will be […]