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With a score of 4.90, UIS demonstrates the execution and transparency of financial resources

Image showing meeting regarding financial resources
Image financial resources meeting

Communications Department

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) has defined policies and clear procedures for financial and budgetary management; human talent; and an organization for the management of financial resources.

The educational and administrative community, graduates, employers and the external community gave a score of 4.90 out of 5 to Factor 11: Financial Resources, during the self-evaluation process for the renewal of the Institutional Accreditation.

The Institution performs a transparent and responsible management to obtain and execute resources from various funding sources, for the development of missionary functions.

This is reflected in the financial statements, which project a stable financial condition, maintaining a large working capital, a favorable asset-liability ratio and a good behavior of the equity, which allows guaranteeing compliance, in the medium term, of the actions proposed in the Institutional Development Plan.

The renewal and extension of the PRO UIS Stamp; resources that guarantee the investment to strengthen the physical and technological infrastructure. The financial soundness of the Institution is evidenced in the fiscal controls and in the granting of the AA category in payment capacity by Value & Risk Rating. The University has been favored with resources from the General Royalties System for the modernization and expansion of its infrastructure.