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Vie launches “Movie”, the Whatsapp channel to attend to mobility program requests

Image showing the opening hours for academic mobility students.
Schedule of attention for students in the process of academic mobility

Communications Department

The Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension (VIE) offers a new channel of attention via WhatsApp for professors, students, and visiting researchers interested in the mobility program, which offers the possibility of presenting and comparing research results in national and international academic and scientific scenarios.

MOVIE is the WhatsApp line where personalized attention and advice will be offered on issues related to the mobility program, including step-by-step instructions on how to enroll in the program, information on conditions and financial support, modalities, restrictions, approval criteria, and commitments. Interested parties will also be able to check the status of their applications and legalize the support granted, in a timely manner.

The Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension recently launched the 2022 edition of its Program Portfolio, where it offers the university community the mobility program that makes available financial resources to support the participation of professors and students in national and international academic events, as a strategy to promote their link to the different national and foreign scientific communities.

The mobility program for national or international visiting researchers is also available with the objective of promoting the academic and research exchange of the university community with their foreign peers. Research groups with current institutional recognition may request this type of mobility up to a maximum of 12 SMMLV. MOVIE line: 3157966923