The Chemical Laboratory of Industrial Consulting of the Universidad Industrial de Santander will participate for the first time in the International Leather, …

The Committee on Ethics in Scientific Research of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (CEINCI) presents to the university community the schedule of …

In a significant act of institutional collaboration, Sociedad de Activos Especiales (SAE) has delivered to Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) a property …

Near 9,000 CDs and vinyl records in individual, double, and collection formats, which the professor and UIS graduate compiled over his lifetime, …

Nathaly Bernal Sandoval, a graduate in English from the Universidad Industrial de Santander and currently a PhD student in Letters (Modern) at …

With the presence of Mauricio Lizcano, Minister of Information and Communication Technologies, the launch of Talento Tech was held. This is a …