Communications Department With the commitment to maintain a permanent and constructive dialogue with the research community of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, …

Communications Department The Vice Rector’s Office for Research and Extension (VIE) offers a new channel of attention via WhatsApp for professors, students, …

Communications Department On March 11, the ‘Humanas Investiga’ socialization sessions return to the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS). This is a space …

In order to strengthen research, innovation and artistic creation, as articulating axes, the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) institutionalized permanent support to …

Entrepreneurs and representatives of academia and productive associations of the cocoa and livestock sectors of Santander, attended the call made by the …

The terms of the strategic alliance for the consolidation of the launching of the Colombian Institute of Petroleum and Energy Transition, Icpet, …

Silvia Viviana Cortés Ardila, a graduate of the Licenciatura en Música UIS, is an example of how perseverance can overcome any obstacle …

The Escuela de Derecho y Ciencia Política UIS is conducting orientation for students beginning their professional practice in the Consultorio Jurídico y …

From August 14 to 16, Bucaramanga will host an event aimed at the exchange of ideas in various fields of engineering, held …