Gloria Blanco, graduate of the Nutrition and Dietetics program of the UIS in 2002, was the guest on this occasion to the activity “A coffee with alumni”, an event that takes place every month by the Faculty of Health. It is an informal meeting between students and graduates to learn about their life experience, professional career and academic experience, among other aspects of interest.
During the conversation with the students, the graduate told some of her work experiences, highlighting the work she has been doing since 2009 to date, with the supplemental nutrition program that works with pregnant, lactating and postpartum women, and newborns up to 5 years old, Women Infants and Children, WIC, in Houston, United States.
“Take advantage of the benefits of studying at UIS. In an accredited institution that has accredited programs. This opened doors for me abroad that facilitated the homologation of my professional degree in this country. We have nothing to envy to a professional from other institutions. I even explain topics to my classmates here,” said Gloria Blanco, a guest graduate.
Throughout her dialogue with the students, professors and graduates who attended the activity, the nutritionist and dietitian UIS graduate reiterated the importance of having a good level of English and the necessary documents to start working abroad. “For us it is a pleasure to have our graduate Gloria Blanco to accompany us and delight a little how her career path has been. It is great to learn about the experience of our graduates,” said Diana Cecilia Alvarez, director of the School of Nutrition and Dietetics.