The directors of the Specialized Health Unit of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UISALUD) held a meeting with the entities that make up the Health Services Provider Network. The main objective of this meeting was to socialize aspects related to contractual management, quality of services and user care procedures.
“The goal of this meeting was to inform our contracted providers about the functioning of UISALUD and the legal guidelines that govern us. In addition, we seek to strengthen our relationships to ensure quality care and warmth to our users,” explained Felipe Andrés Suárez, deputy medical director in charge of UISALUD.

Representatives of the network entities described the meeting as productive and enriching. “It was a very valuable meeting for us as providers. I was very interested to learn about the procedures established for handling complaints, petitions and claims, as well as the response times. This generates trust and improves communication between the parties,” said Eleine Amaya Magdaniel, quality coordinator of Uromédica Limitada.
During the meeting, UISALUD’s management staff, their functions and action plans by area were presented, which was well received by the attendees. “Getting to know the management team is key to establish a more effective communication in each request. I was pleasantly impressed by UISALUD’s synchrony and focus on comprehensive care,” said Juan Pablo Arévalo, Audiomic’s administrative manager.

This type of meeting strengthens the ties between UISALUD and its strategic allies, reaffirming the commitment to provide excellent service to the entire university community and their families.