In order to introduce them to the services of the Specialized Health Unit of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UISALUD) and encourage them to become users, the Unit’s directors held a meeting with 28 new career professors. During the meeting, key aspects such as the wide range of services offered, the financial soundness of the entity and its recognition as one of the best in its field in the country were highlighted.
“In this socialization and awareness day we wanted to reach these new teachers who are joining this alma mater, to let them know the great family that is UISALUD, with all the plans and benefits we have to protect their health. We also explained in detail the process of joining”, said Heide Cáceres Villamizar, administrative and financial assistant director of UISALUD.

The teachers in attendance expressed their enthusiasm and gratitude for this informative space, which allowed them to resolve concerns and learn in depth about the benefits of the service. “It was very relevant information for us, the new teachers. The whole community knows that UISALUD provides a great service, and being part of this benefit is something that many of us want,” said Carlos Sanabria Sanchez, professor of the School of Chemistry.
One of the points that generated the greatest impact among the attendees was the expansion process that UISALUD is carrying out in its physical plant, with the objective of offering more specialized medical services within the central campus. “The fact that there are more services within the university is a great benefit for those of us who wish to be part of this health system. Having fast and accessible care, right here, in our place of work, is something really valuable,” added Sanabria Sanchez.