Communications Department
In order to strengthen the training mission process, the Universidad Industrial de Santander identified the need to expand the staff of the professor level to meet the requirements of academic programs that offer subjects with common cycles. For this reason, by means of Acuerdo n.° 054 de 2021 from Superior Council added sixty-five (65) full-time professors to the teaching staff.
On the other hand, by means of Acuerdo no. 010 del 14 de febrero de 2022 from Superior Council approved the regulations for the hiring of professors in the modality of occasional professor, under the denomination “Occasional professor common cycle”.
In consideration of the above, the Academic Council approved the public call for the formation of the List of Candidates for Occasional Professor Common Cycle, whose registration process closes on March 1st, 2022.
According to Article 2 of Acuerdo No. 010 de 2022 from the Superior Council, “the occasional professor of the Universidad Industrial de Santander is a natural professional person with academic qualifications to develop exclusive activities in the mission function of training, that is, as a full-time professor (40 hours per week). He is not a public employee, nor does he belong to the teaching career, nor is he an official worker”.
Next, it is clarified that “the activities of subject direction of an occasional common cycle professor may in no case be less than 22 hours per week during the regular academic period and intersemester or recess periods will include activities of subject direction in intersemester courses, advancement of subjects or courses not leading to degrees, among others, offered according to the areas of performance of the professor; or activities of teacher training or support to academic management”.
Paragraph of Article 2 states that “The occasional professor may be hired for up to 11 months, in accordance with the provisions of this agreement”.
And in the Paragraph of Article 3 it is clarified that “common cycle subjects are those that are part of the curricula of two or more undergraduate programs offered by different academic administrative units”.
The link to the call for applications is the following: https://bit.ly/3vcGiat . In this call, the University seeks to hire 26 temporary professors for the common cycle.
Acuerdo no. 054 de 13 de diciembre de 2021 and Acuerdo no. 010 del 14 de febrero de 2022 from Superior Council are attached.
Agreement of the Superior Council No. 054 DE 2021 [+] [+] Agreement of the Superior Council No. 010 DE 2021 Agreement of the Superior Council N° 010 DE 2022 [+]