On February 18th, 2022, it was held the first meeting of the Santander Network of Alumnni and Graduate Programs REDSEG in order to address the conclusions of the management during the year 2021, plan what will be the work during the current year and define its steering committee.
Representing the UIS participated the economist David León Esteban, professional in charge of the Institutional Alumni Program, who during this first meeting of the year was elected as president of the network for the period 2022-2024, taking into account Article 8 of the agreement of wills signed in 2018 by the legal representatives of each institution which states “The reelection of the President of the Executive Committee may occur only in the event that all members of REDSEG have already exercised it or by agreement of two thirds (2/3) of the members of the Assembly.”
In this order of ideas, with 11 out of 12 votes in favor, the professional David León will be in charge of the presidency of this network together with the steering committee of the REDSEG network conformed as follows: President, David León Esteban of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS; as vice-president, Sonia Luz Muñoz, of the Fundación Universitaria de San Gil, UNISANGIL and as secretary, Maria Cristina Bacca Romero, of the Universidad Santo Tomas de Aquino sectional Bucaramanga.
The meeting also planned the next tasks to be carried out, which include the organization of lecture series, the first Inter-University Fair of jobs, entrepreneurship and postgraduate studies and the implementation of a Labor and Entrepreneurship Observatory. Thus, as part of the network’s management tasks, the UIS will lead the UIS Alumni Program professional, David León Esteban, to create, manage, develop and share activities aimed at improving the quality of alumni and/or graduate programs, their environment and social impact in the Department of Santander.