The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), is positioned as the third best public university in Colombia, according to the most recent report of the Center for World University Rankings 2022-2023 (CWUR). This ranking is evaluated based on metrics such as educational quality, graduate employment, research, teaching quality, etc.).
Among public and private universities, UIS ranked 6th. In their order, the universities within the ranking are:Universidad de los Andes (private)
- Universidad Nacional de Colombia (public)
- Universidad de Antioquia (public)
- Universidad Antonio Nariño (private)
- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (private)
- Universidad Industrial de Santander (public)
- Universidad del Valle (public)
“We are pleased to continue positioning ourselves in international rankings. This gives us greater visibility and, above all, is an important contribution that can influence the renewal or accreditation processes of undergraduate and graduate programs,” said Carlos Mantilla, special professional of UIS Planning.
He specified that “these classifications, such as employment, research, graduates and educational quality, evaluate many of the tools for these accreditation processes. Therefore, it is a great support and makes the University even more attractive to students who want to enter undergraduate or graduate programs at the UIS”.
This ranking of the best universities in the world is evaluated on the basis of seven metrics:
- Quality of education: measured by the number of alumni of a university who have won major international prizes, awards and medals in relation to the size of the university (15%).
- Graduate employment: measured by the number of alumni of a university who have held managerial positions in the world’s leading companies relative to the size of the university (15%).
- Faculty quality: measured by the number of academics who have won major international prizes, awards and medals (15%).
- Research results: measured by the total number of research papers (15%).
- Quality publications: measured by the number of research articles appearing in top-tier journals (15%).
- Influence: measured by the number of research articles appearing in highly influential journals (15%).
- Citations: measured by the number of highly cited research articles (10%).
This year 2000 universities worldwide were evaluated. In Latin America, 111 were ranked, among them, the UIS.
The Center for World University Rankings (CWUR) is a consulting organization that provides policy advice and strategic insights to governments and universities to improve educational and research outcomes. Since 2016, CWUR has been headquartered in the United Arab Emirates.