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UIS supports the development of education in the Magdalena Medio region through institutional articulation

Rector de la UIS socializando los diferentes aspectos del programa académico Técnico Profesional en Producción Agropecuaria

With the purpose of strengthening the articulation between secondary and higher education in the Magdalena Medio region, the rector of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Hernán Porras Díaz, led a meeting with mayors, rectors of educational institutions and representatives of the productive sector to socialize the possibility of offering the Professional Technical Program in Agricultural Production in their territories and the benefits of the articulation for young people.

This effort is part of the “Higher Education in your School” project, an initiative of the Ministry of Education that seeks to increase student access to technical, technological and professional programs. In addition, the program seeks to level high school students in basic and generic competencies, facilitating their transition to higher education.

The rector also detailed the minimum requirements demanded by the Ministry of Education for the implementation of the program in these municipalities, which include having adequate educational infrastructure and state-of-the-art technological equipment to guarantee quality education. In that order of ideas, he highlighted the commitment they must have.

“We understand the need to expand the academic offerings, but this is an ongoing process. At this moment, we are working on developing new programs that respond to the needs of the territories that support their development through quality education,” said Porras Díaz. In addition, he also expressed his gratitude for the willingness and interest of the parties involved to receive the Universidad Industrial de Santander and to become strategic allies to facilitate access to higher education for young people without the need to leave their regions.

Marleny Jaime, Rector of the Sabana de Torres Technical Institute, presenting her position on the Universidad Industrial de Santander's proposal.

The Professional Technical Program in Agricultural Production, which offers propaedeutic cycles with Agroindustrial Administration, arises as an opportunity to strengthen the agricultural sector of the region through quality training with relevance to the economic and social development of the territories.

To make possible the articulation between the UIS and the educational institutions of the region, it was proposed the signing of direct agreements between the university and the beneficiary institutions, or failing that, an agreement with the Departmental Secretary of Education covering all interested institutions.

“The proposal of the Universidad Industrial de Santander is projected as a transcendental opportunity for the development of young people. Undoubtedly, it will be a process that will open doors for them at a professional level and will allow them to contribute to the development of the municipality through the knowledge they will acquire as they advance in their educational path,” said Marleny Jaime, Rector of the Sabana de Torres Technical Institute.

Representing the UIS were the rector Hernán Porras Díaz, the engineer Mario Andrés Betancurt Pinzón, representative of the graduates to the Superior Council; Andrés Mauricio Montes Tenorio, coordinator of the UIS Barrancabermeja Campus; and the engineer Camilo Londoño, director of Admissions and Academic Registration.

With this type of initiatives, the UIS continues to consolidate itself as a key player in the educational and productive transformation of the region, providing training opportunities to more young people and contributing to the sustainable development of their communities.

“As secretary in charge of education we are very grateful with the results of the meeting because they represent an opportunity for the educational development of young people in the Magdalena Medio region thanks to the educational offerings that the UIS has”, pointed out Oscar Vera, Secretary of Government of Puerto Wilches.

Representatives of the Universidad Industrial de Santander and the mayors of the municipalities that participated in the meeting.