Members of the Research Seminar on Optimization of Sports Performance made an academic visit to the Bachelor’s Degree Program in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports at the University of Pamplona with the purpose of observing, interacting and obtaining information about the work developed by the research groups or research groups of that institution.
There was also an exchange of significant experiences, thus generating a space to strengthen institutional ties with Unipamplona.

The Research Seminar on Optimization of Sports Performance is characterized by being multidisciplinary, composed of 21 students from different areas of knowledge (Human Sciences, Sciences, Health and Engineering) who guide their proposals in the line of Sciences Applied to Sports and thus generate scientific knowledge, the result of research processes applied to sports practice.
The trip was guided by Lianell Jova Elejalde, PhD in Physical Culture and Sport Sciences and member of the Study Group: Body, Physical Activity and Sport, of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the UIS.