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UIS Sounds for Peacebuilding Team reinforces its training with the diploma course ‘Cultural Practices for Life and Peace’

Formadores y sabedores del PSCP-UIS participan del diplomado en música

The territorial management teams and the artists and trainers of the Sounds for Peacebuilding Program, PSCP, of Zone 7, operated by the Universidad Industrial de Santander, UIS, began their training in the diploma course ‘Cultural Practices for Life and Peace’ with a duration of 120 hours, which will enrich them with pedagogical and conceptual tools to offer their music classes in a more didactic way, focused on teaching for peace, and adjusted to the children, adolescents and young people who are the beneficiaries of the PSCP.

Another important aspect to be achieved with this diploma course is to qualify the artists, taking into account that people with and without a professional degree are linked to the Program as music teachers, as in the case of the “sabedores”.

The director of the PSCP-UIS, Angélica Mora Dionisio, said that the diploma course is an enriching space for the participants, because “they will be able to qualify their skills for the benefit of children, adolescents and young people; they will reinforce the pedagogical proposal of the Program and will give more tools to those who are in the territories and schools”.

The training is carried out in face-to-face and virtual modalities. In each meeting, workshops are held and tools are provided on how to start classes, what tools to use if they do not have instruments, musical initiation exercises, keys on coexistence and peace, among others. However, Nora Lucía Alfonzo, a teacher at the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, UPN, said that one of the most relevant aspects of the training is the sharing of experiences among the participants, as this enriches the process and allows the generation of support networks to reinforce the work carried out in the territory.

For Raul Hernando Mancipe Sanchez, a PSCP-UIS artist from Node 16, Ruta al Mar, the diploma course has provided him with the tools to have a better connection and understanding of what is being sought within the Program. “The basics are what I take with me in my pockets, to be able to connect better with the child population I am managing, to have a better approach with them and a better understanding of what I am looking for within the Program. better approach with them and a better way to transmit to this population what we want to do with the Program”, added Mancipe Sanchez.

María José Ayala Durán, an artist trainer from Node 14, Yarigüíes del Magdalena Medio, said that the diploma course is a significant experience because it has helped her to enrich her professional and pedagogical work, teamwork, to have more didactic tools “to take them to the educational establishments and to generate more significant learning in the students”.

Meanwhile, for the Psychosocial support, Zarith Daniel Peralta Muñoz, who belongs to Node 15, Guanes, Laches and Yarigüíes, the training through the diploma course has allowed him to understand the importance of trainers and experts in the Program, has helped him to understand terms and concepts for the moment when he arrives in the classroom to make the psychosocial intervention. “In my role it brings me a lot, because we can see the child beyond a subject of rights, but as someone who unfolds, understands music, vibrates with it, and allows it to be incorporated into his body. The diploma course has also allowed us to share experiences from the territories, from the roles and methods of teaching and learning; it helps us to understand the Program, dimension it and execute it better”, she said.

The director of the PSCP-UIS, Angélica Mora Dionisio, acknowledged and thanked the people participating in the diploma course, as this training will help them improve their skills in the classroom. The diploma course is offered by professionals from the Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, UPN, and is part of the training for trainers component of the agreement signed between the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Knowledge and the Universidad Industrial de Santander.

We invite you to follow the official channel of the Presidential Program Sounds for Peacebuilding.