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UIS regional campuses welcome 776 students to the introductory level

Welcome to regional students

The beginning of a new academic stage for young people who will take the Introductory Level during the first semester of 2022 in the regional branches of the Universidad Industrial de Santander located in the municipalities of Barbosa, Barrancabermeja, Malaga and El Socorro, is full of expectations and a great challenge: to obtain a place in the civil, industrial, mechanical, electrical, electronic, chemical, petroleum and systems engineering.

To welcome these new members of the university community, in each of the regional headquarters of the UIS, different induction days were held in which, through informative talks, tours of the university campuses and recreational activities that allowed them, in addition to interacting and getting to know each other, to clear their doubts and concerns about this academic cycle they started.

The new members of the university community come from different regions of the country and recognize UIS as one of the best universities to train as future professionals.

“In addition to reinforcing the knowledge we bring from school, I chose to study at the UIS Socorro Campus because of the academic quality of the university, I am very interested in learning a lot and being able to obtain a place in industrial engineering,” said Diego David Diaz Silva, student of the Introductory Level at the UIS Socorro Campus.

Likewise, Juan David Fuentes Patiño, student of the Introductory Level at the Barrancabermeja Campus, stated that “Due to the virtuality that has been presented by the pandemic, I felt very pressured to undertake a career. I decided to do the Introductory Level to familiarize myself with the university. I am very eager to learn, I am surprised to see the campus in this way, the classmates, the way of studying is more dynamic”.

Jessica Adriana Martínez Torres, an introductory level student at the Barbosa campus, showed her interest and pride for having entered the UIS: “I am from the municipality of Maní, Casanare, and I am very happy to have the opportunity to take the introductory course. I am an applicant for industrial engineering, I hope to have good grades. I am very proud to know that I am going to study in one of the best universities in Latin America”.

Parents were special guests at these induction days; they, as well as their children, see in UIS and its regional branches a great opportunity to achieve all their goals at a professional level.

“As parents we are very much looking forward to what is going to happen with our son in this process. He comes from two years of having received his classes at home virtually because of the pandemic and the change from school to university is great; this is a challenge for them, it is a fresh start, new classmates and above all a more demanding academic level”, said Blanca Patricia Porras Cáceres, mother of a student of the Introductory Level Socorro Campus.

“Today we leave our son and the truth is a lot of mixed emotions, a lot of joy for him. We come from Boyacá and for us it is very important that this opportunity is provided, this opens the doors of the public university to our young people, to our children. We are very excited, very happy to see the facilities, you can really see the drive that this university has. A very special thanks for opening this kind of spaces, we wanted our son to study at this important university in Colombia,” said the father of a student of the Introductory Level UIS Barbosa campus.

To highlight The Introductory Level has as its purpose the academic training in basic areas such as: mathematics, physics, chemistry, learning to learn and complementary activities, which allow the student to develop creativity, autonomous learning and collaborative work, in order to consolidate habits and study techniques and learning strategies in order to improve the student’s performance in university education.