As part of the external evaluation for accreditation renewal purposes of the undergraduate programs of Civil Engineering and Nutrition and Dietetics, the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) welcomed the delegation of academic peers, delegated by the Consejo Nacional de Acreditacion (CNA).
The welcoming event was in charge of the rector, Hernán Porras Díaz, directors of the institution and members of the schools, and took place in the Sala de Consejos de Rectoria of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS).
Ángela María Mejía López (peer coordinator) and Gloria Yaneth Pinzón Villate will be the peer evaluators for the UIS Nutrition and Dietetics program. Meanwhile, Myriam Astrid Antrid Angarita Gómez (peer coordinator) and Edwin Fabian García Aristizábal, will be the peers in charge of the School of Civil Engineering.
During April 20, 21 and 22, the directors and members of the UIS programs will share relevant information related to the Institutional Project, academic processes and administrative procedures. In addition, they will resolve the concerns of the academic peers, who at the end of the week will give their final opinion.
The challenge is to follow the precepts of the Plan de Desarrollo Institucional (PDI) that indicate the need for the UIS to strengthen its internationalization process and at the same time strengthen the competitiveness and quality levels of its academic programs.