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UIS professor to perform as soloist with orchestra in Germany

Graphic piece by Natalia Ramirez as soloist in German orchestra.
Natalia Ramírez who will perform with the Bad Homburger Kammerorchester orchestra next Sunday, January 30th.

Communications Department.

Natalia Avella Ramírez, professor at the School of Arts of the Universidad Industrial de Santander, will be the piano soloist who will perform with the Bad Homburger Kammerorchester orchestra next Sunday, January 30th.

The musical program consists of three works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and in the third of them, which will close the event, Natalia Avella will perform the Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in E flat major KV 271, also known as “Jeunhomme”, in allusion to a virtuoso pianist in Salzburg to whom Mozart dedicated this work.

Natalia Avella received this new invitation from the orchestra after a warm reception from the public and a very favorable press review for her performances in January and February 2020 as soloist in Ludwig van Beethoven’s Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 3. With these three concerts, the orchestra and the two guest soloists began their program to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of the German composer, just before the dramatic interruption of public cultural activity due to the Covid 19 pandemic.

Despite the limitations on public concerts that are still in place in Germany today, the concert organizers have already reported a growing public interest in the event, which is expected to be well received by the orchestra and soloist Natalia Avella Ramírez. Natalia is currently on a Doctoral Commission at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt.