Did you know that in Colombia, French is the second most taught foreign language?
For this reason, the French Embassy in Colombia works actively to increase the presence of French in the country’s schools, cooperating with key actors such as the Colombian Ministry of National Education, education ministries, French Alliances and various educational institutions.
In order to highlight the importance of its promotion and teaching at different educational levels, the French ambassador in Colombia, Mr. Sylvain ITTÉ, invited the members of the board of directors of the Colombian Association of French Teachers (ACOLPROF) to strengthen ties that allow the promotion of this language.
Professor Edga Mireya Uribe Salamanca, from the Language School of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), and current president of the Colombian Association of French Teachers (ACOLPROF), was received together with the board of directors of the association at the French Residence in Colombia.
The invitation was made by the French Ambassador to Colombia, M. Sylvain ITTÉ, in recognition of the work of ACOLPROF, which has worked for 51 years to strengthen the teaching of French in the country, and to strengthen relations with common projects to continue moving forward together.
The current board of ACOLPROF is composed, in addition to Professor Uribe, by Germana Soler, from the University of Caldas, Fabio Arismendi, from the University of Antioquia, Monica Rolong, from the University of Atlántico, and Sandra Sandoval, from the University of Valle.
During the meeting, the ambassador highlighted the fundamental role of ACOLPROF in the consolidation of the French-speaking world in Colombia, underlining that strengthening the teaching of French in the country allows young Colombians to open up to the French-speaking world and its 300 million speakers in the five continents. Learning French not only offers them a different culture and vision of the world, but also expands their academic and professional opportunities.
For the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), this invitation represents a recognition of the work of its academic community and a boost in the internationalization processes of its academic programs. Currently, two key projects promoted by the French Embassy have generated excellent results in the democratization of French language learning and in the creation of opportunities for Colombian students. One of them is the FranCo Project, which seeks to consolidate and expand the teaching of French in the country, allowing more young people to access this language and, with it, new possibilities for academic and professional development.