With great pleasure students, professors, administrative staff and alumni of the Nutrition and Dietetics program at UIS received the decision of the Ministerio de Educación Nacional, Ministerio de Educación Nacional, MEN, to approve the modification and renewal of the qualified registration of the Nutrition and Dietetics program offered in the city of Bucaramanga, for a term of 7 years. The disposition was given through Resolution 1045 of February 1, 2022 of the Ministry.
“This achievement highlights all the professors of the School, who worked tirelessly to achieve the renewal of the qualified registration. It is important to note that in this renewal of qualified registration we had several challenges, there was the inclusion of law 1330 and agreement 21795, to which we had to adapt, from the modification of the PEP, to move forward as provided by the Ministry and the University, so it is an achievement of teachers that benefits students and the community in general and highlights the commitment of the School with the certification of programs, “said Diana Cecilia Alvarez, director of School of Nutrition and Dietetics. Congratulations to all members of the School of Health community.