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UIS Mesón de los Búcaros Campus Welcomes New English for Adults Students

Plano general curso de inglés para adultos nivel A2 del Instituto de Lenguas UIS 2025.

The Language Institute of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) welcomed the students of the English extension program for adults, whose classes will be held at the Mesón de los Búcaros campus. This change is due to the remodeling of the Language Institute building at the central campus, which has led to temporarily relocate these courses and services.

“Starting today, February 5, the Institute of Languages opens its doors offering the quality services UIS has always characterized us for 35 years; today from this point of attention in the Mesón de los Búcaros” said Laura Cristina Dueñas, Director of the Institute of Languages UIS.

Nataly Zambrano, a student of the Language Institute, highlighted “the quality of the services offered by the UIS and affirmed that ‘studying English with the Language Institute helps to improve competencies in a second language and enhances job opportunities abroad’.

Curso de inglés adultos nivel A1 Instituto de Lenguas UIS 2025

Those interested in accessing the language courses, aimed at people over 15 years of age, can contact and for more information about the academic offerings.
“We invite the community and those interested to come to the temporary facilities at Mesón de los Búcaros, in order to offer them our portfolio of services not only in English, but also in French, German, Portuguese, among others,” said Mary Luz Vesga Rueda, Coordinator of Adult Extension Courses.

It is important to highlight that the general English courses for adults at night, as well as the program for children that takes place on Saturdays, will continue to be held at the central campus of the UIS. In addition, at the UIS Floridablanca campus, the educational offer for children and adults is maintained during the week and on weekends, with attention to the public from Tuesday to Saturday during office hours.

The UIS Cabecera also offers programs for adults from Monday to Friday and on Saturdays, during office hours. This variety of options reflects the commitment of the UIS to offer an accessible and quality education to the entire community