As part of the “Donations with responsibility” program, the Universidad Industrial de Santander delivered furniture to the Mayor’s Office of Malaga. Resolution No. 1454 of September 2024, contemplated the delivery of desks, chairs, tables, filing cabinets, among other items that were in the old UIS Malaga headquarters, which were donated to the entity for the use of administrative staff and the community.
In this regard, the Coordinator of the UIS Malaga Campus, Deicy Dalila Delgado Diaz, highlighted the articulated work being done with the entity and all the support that the Mayor’s Office has provided to the University as part of the contingency plan for the construction of the new infrastructure “University Park”.

“We continue with the donation program of the Universidad Industrial de Santander and on this occasion, we reached the Mayor’s Office of Malaga. It is a way to thank the entity for the support it has given to the UIS in the construction stage of the new Headquarters. It is also an opportunity for the furniture, which is in good condition, to continue to be used by the community of the municipality,” said the Coordinator of the Headquarters.
For his part, the Mayor of Malaga, Ruben Dario Moreno, expressed his gratitude to the UIS for this donation. “We thank the University for this gesture with the community, undoubtedly, this furniture helps us to organize ourselves in a better way and is of use to everyone, for example, the chairs that were located in the auditorium that had the old headquarters of the UIS, were installed in the auditorium of the House of Culture where cultural and academic events and other activities for the general public are carried out”.
From the Universidad Industrial de Santander we will continue to promote the articulated work with different institutions for the region and its welfare.