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UIS Delegation wins 6 medals in International Mathematics Olympiad

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) stood out in the International Mathematics Competition, COMATEQ 2025, by winning a total of six medals. The event, which took place on Saturday, March 1, 2025, celebrated its ninth edition as an online competition organized by the University of Puerto Rico in Mayagüez, with the support of various educational institutions, including the UIS.

At least 18 universities from various Latin American countries participated in this edition, totaling 216 competing teams. The UIS delegation, composed of fifteen (15) teams, stood out in the competition.

The achievements of the UIS delegation included one (1) silver medal, obtained by the team formed by the students Angela Sofia Quiroga Rangel, Bellorossme Nhajais Mogollon Padilla and Erick Quintero Rincón.

Likewise, the delegation obtained five (5) bronze medals, achieved by the teams integrated by: Eliel Luciano Sánchez Rojas, Juliana Benítez Vega, Santiago Torres Rebolledo, Carlos Mario Serrano Ortiz, Sergio Jerez Sanabria, Simón Quintero Prada, Camilo Angarita Zambrano, Emmanuel Patiño Reyes, Jhonjader Firigua Garzón, Gabriel Rueda Chiquillo, Jesús, David Fontecha Varón, Juan Andrés Pizano Cabeza, Daniel Eduardo Revollo Zambrano and Juan José Velaides Sanabria.

The students who represented the UIS in this competition were selected among the finalists of the UIS Regional Mathematics Olympics, from the municipalities of the region of influence of the UIS and the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander-Ocaña, our partner in this project.

We express our gratitude to all participants and extend our congratulations to the students of the UIS Delegation for once again exalting the name of Santander and Colombia in this prestigious international competition.

Abraham Pérez Contreras
Alejandro Díaz Vargas
Ángel David Sánchez Zarate
Angela Sofia Quiroga Rangel
Bellorossme Nhajais Mogollon Padilla
Camilo Angarita Zambrano
Carlos Daniel González Galeano
Carlos Mario Serrano Ortiz
Daniel Eduardo Revollo Zambrano
Danna Valentina Tamayo Fonseca
David Santiago Rueda García
Eliel Luciano Sánchez Rojas
Emiliano Nogoa Rincón
Emmanuel Alejandro Meza Buitrago
Emmanuel Patiño Reyes
Erick Quintero Rincón
Fredy Yesid Mateus Torres
Gabriel Rueda Chiquillo
Harley Yefrey Cabrales Vargas
Hemanuel Naranjo Garzón
Jesús David Fontecha Varón
Jhonjader Firigua Garzón
Jose Felipe Barrios Carreño
Juan Andrés Pizano Cabeza
Juan Camilo Suárez Rico
Juan José Pinzón García
Juan José Velaides Sanabria
Juan Miguel Lemus Guerrero
Juan Sebastián Mendoza Morales
Juliana Benítez Vega
Laura Ximena Delgado Monsalve
Luis Enrique Cely Mendivelso
Marcos Díaz Acevedo
Meily Vanessa Barbosa Suarez
Miguel Ángel Castro Rueda
Oscar Matías Lázaro Becerra
Osneider Estid Padilla Mejía
Santiago Torres Rebolledo
Sergio Esteban Barbosa Sánchez
Sergio Jerez Sanabria
Silvia Gabriela Muñoz Bonilla
Simón Quintero Prada
Sofía González Nossa
Sofía Isabella Bautista Herrera
Valentina García Dulcey