The terms of the strategic alliance for the consolidation of the launching of the Colombian Institute of Petroleum and Energy Transition, Icpet, a project in which the Universidad Industrial de Santander has been working through several of its most renowned researchers and academics, have been finalized.
The Innovation and Technology Center – ICP, the main research and technological development complex in the country, becomes Icpet, which will have the mission of promoting the energy transition in the country.
This was defined after the meeting held between the Minister of Mines and Energy, Andrés Camacho Morales; the president of Ecopetrol, Ricardo Roa Barragán; the president of the National Hydrocarbons Agency, ANH, Orlando Velandia Sepúlveda and the UIS rector, Hernán Porras Díaz. Also present at the meeting were UIS graduate engineers César Torres Macías, former manager of Promioriente; Álvaro Torres Macías, current member of the Board of Directors of Ecopetrol and Mario Humberto Torres, former representative of the graduates before the Superior Council.
“The Icpet is not leaving Santander, it is staying in Piedecuesta, and from today it becomes the great center of development, research and technology for the energy transition, that is our great commitment”, said Ricardo Roa Barragán, president of Ecopetrol.
The Institute for a Just Energy Transition focuses on three key strategic areas for the sustainable development of the region: renewable energies and decarbonization in northeastern Colombia. Technological innovation and energy democratization, and human capital training to prepare a new generation committed to a more sustainable future.
An estimated investment of more than 816 billion pesos is planned for 2030 to strengthen its scientific and technological infrastructure. The institute’s headquarters covers a total area of 30 hectares, where its 34 pilot plants and 29 laboratories are located.