Leidy Guarín, is the first UIS student, beneficiary of the agreement to obtain a double degree in the Doctorate in Business, Economics and Society, from the University of Alicante, and Doctorate in Engineering, in the area of Management and Technological Development, from the Industrial University of Santander, through the INNOTEC research group attached to the School of Industrial and Business Studies, and directed by Professor Luis Eduardo Becerra Ardial.
At this moment, Leidy is developing field work as part of her research project at the University of Alicante, whose doctoral thesis proposal focuses on intermediation in agroindustrial innovation systems. The effect of intermediary agents in the promotion of technology transfer in agroindustrial innovation systems.
This research seeks to contribute to the evaluation of the effectiveness of an intermediary agent in the university-industry relationship, through an analysis of its moderating action in the management of the information asymmetry barrier that takes place in technology transfer processes.
In this sense, a data collection instrument was designed, and based on the information collected, the aim is to propose a model on the effectiveness of the moderating action of the intermediary agent in managing the information asymmetry barrier that takes place in the technology transfer processes.
Master’s Degree
In parallel, the UIS, the University of Alicante, the University of Havana in Cuba, and the Hellenic International University of Greece, are advancing in the development of the proposal approved by the Erasmus program for the formulation of a joint Master’s Degree in Innovation and Natural Languages for the Development of Artificial Intelligence.
This academic proposal arises as part of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, and given the impact that language technologies and large linguistic models are currently having on society. This is how the initiative arises for students to be trained in these new techniques and methods to acquire the necessary skills and competencies to define them, develop them and apply them correctly and fairly in real applications to solve real social and business problems.
This specialized master’s degree addresses the new lines of research in Artificial Intelligence and Language Technologies trends are important, since they integrate not only the academic vision but also the industrial and social needs.
The purpose of this program, which will begin to be offered in 2025, will motivate students to be part of this academic program that will allow them to enrich their education and culture, since they will have the possibility to rotate each academic semester in each of the participating universities.