In a significant act of institutional collaboration, Sociedad de Activos Especiales (SAE) has delivered to Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) a property of more than 1,500 square meters. This land, located on Avenida Quebradaseca between Carreras 21 and 22 in Bucaramanga, is currently on gratuitous bailment, but the UIS has already requested the definitive use of the real estate, and the SAE is moving forward with the process.
The delivery of this property represents an unconditional support from the SAE to the UIS, strengthening the bond between both entities. The UIS has expressed its gratitude to the SAE’s Central East Territorial Director, Juan Carlos Bolívar Sandoval and all its directors for their invaluable collaboration.
Iván Rojas, head of the Physical Plant Division of the UIS, highlighted this delivery: “The UIS receives today from the SAE a very important property because it will allow the University to develop and consolidate many mission processes, from the social and academic point of view. The destination of the property is not really known yet, but it will be something that will strengthen ties between the UIS, the academy and society”.
Rojas pointed out that “the National Government has chosen the UIS for its strengthening and good name at the national level. This is not the first time that the UIS receives support of this nature. A few months ago, the UIS received another property in the center of the city, in which resources are already being invested to establish residences outside the university campus”.

Sergio Andrés Vera Méndez, SAE delegate, explained that “the delivery consists of a property that includes a large warehouse that connects to a three-story residential building. The industrial warehouse used to house a cleaning products company. The SAE is thinking of collaborating with the government in social projects and we know that the UIS is an important university, one of the most important in the country; we are aware that you want to expand your social projection, so the SAE is willing to collaborate in that sense”.
The delivery of this property reinforces the commitment of the SAE and the UIS with the academic and social development of Bucaramanga, consolidating the relationship between the university and the regional community.