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The UIS, through the ‘Convenio Sígueme’, welcomes new students for the 2022-I period

Academic exchange students attend the induction day given by RELEXT directors and members.
Academic exchange students attend the induction day given by RELEXT directors and members.

The Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS), through the Oficina Relaciones Exteriores (RELEXT), received 23 new students from 19 foreign institutions and four national universities in a day of institutional induction within the framework of the “cConferences guided by professionals to inform about the institutional benefits, as well as informative talks and a tour of the campus facilities, were part of the welcome agenda by Relext’s directors. The purpose of this space was to guide students in their academic exchange.onvenio Sígueme”.

Carlos Enrique Vecino Arenas, RELEXT director, welcomed the students: “It will be an opportunity for cultural exchange that implements multilingualism within an academic process. Today 23 students and different nationalities begin to be part of the UIS, so take advantage of this time to make friends and complement their professional training with the various benefits provided by the institution.

Carlos Enrique Vecino Arenas, Director of the UIS Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores, welcomed the new students.
Carlos Enrique Vecino Arenas, Director of the UIS Oficina de Relaciones Exteriores, welcomed the new students.

Conferences guided by professionals to inform about the institutional benefits, as well as informative talks and a tour of the campus facilities, were part of the welcome agenda by Relext’s directors. The purpose of this space was to guide students in their academic exchange.

The students who joined the agreement will be part of the following undergraduate and graduate academic programs: Industrial Engineering, Medicine, Law, Systems Engineering, Social Work, Mechanical Engineering, Geology, Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages, Mechanical Engineering; Doctorate in Engineering Sciences, History and Master’s Degrees in Basic Biomedical Sciences, Medicine and Chemical Engineering.

Elisabet Toro, a student at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC), commented on her impressions of the academic exchange: “I’ve been on exchange for a few months doing my master’s thesis focused on biogas, and so far the laboratories, material and staff are very complete for the development of my project. On the other hand, they care a lot about the students since they offer thousands of services and benefits, the Student Welfare building, a lot of green on campus and sports areas, all this is very good”.

Convenio SÍGUEME (Interinstitutional System of a Group of Universities Aimed at Student Mobility)

This agreement is an alliance of cooperation between the first 10 universities that obtained high quality accreditation and were part of the G10 of Colombian universities (such as the top universities in Colombia). There, national and international students will have the opportunity to interact in different academic and cultural environments in order to complement their professional training.

Academic exchange student.
Academic exchange student.