131 students from the Jurado Educational Institution, El Rodeo Rural School and La Paja Rural School, located in the municipality of El Cerrito, García Rovira province, benefited with furniture, computer equipment, school kits and other educational elements through the “Donations with Social Responsibility” program of the Industrial University of Santander (UIS).
To the rhythm of carranga and the lyrics of the Garciarovirense artist “Heredero”, the students enthusiastically received the visit of the UIS Inventory delegation, composed of Luz Marina Duarte, Samuel Sarmiento and the student Cristian Felipe Cáceres, from the Geology program, and assistant in this unit.
The excitement of the children was evident when they saw the tablets, computers, books, laboratory equipment and other resources that were delivered. The joy was not only reflected in their faces, but also in the music and dances that accompanied this significant act of delivery.

Yarit Rubiano, a teacher who managed this initiative, expressed her deep gratitude. “I want to thank the UIS for this wonderful gift. Many times we do not have the necessary resources to strengthen the academic process of our children and youth. Thanks to the UIS, a grain of sand is contributed to the education and progress of our region.”
Luz Mery Palacios Guastar, rural director of the Jurado Educational Institution, highlighted the importance of the donation. “The tables, chairs, computer equipment and supplies, among others, are of great help. Truly our thanks to the University for their generous donation.”
A delegation from the community was also present at the donation, and José Vicente Castro, representative of the Parents’ Association, said “For the farming communities, having these aids is very pleasing. They are a great support for the academic process of our children”.

The day was marked by thanks in the form of musical lyrics, songs and dances, which expressed the gratitude of the entire educational community to the UIS. During the donation, members of the dance group of the UIS Malaga campus also performed folkloric presentations and samples.
This event ratifies the commitment of the Universidad Industrial de Santander with the educational development and progress of the communities in the regions, consolidating its social responsibility as a fundamental pillar for the advancement of education in Santander.