With the exhibition ‘Los Rincones de Domingó’, a tribute to the master Luis Domingo Rincón, the Cultural Direction of the Universidad Industrial de Santander opened the doors to the program ‘En las Salas’, for this 2025.
This exhibition brings the public closer to the creative, multifaceted and human spirit of the Santander master known as ‘Domingó’.
Born in Contratación Santander on April 2, 1958, ‘Domingó’ was the owner of a unique genius and sensitivity that became his strength when creating caricatures, oil paintings, nibs, photographs, sculptures, graphic design and cultural research.
In addition, he was part of renowned cultural, social and community organizations and for 15 years he worked for Vanguardia where he was widely recognized, as he made use of his fine sarcasm to make social criticism among other journalistic and cultural projects.
Last December 3 ‘Domingó’ left behind an invaluable artistic and human legacy marked by love, humor, empathy and social criticism with a deep sense of respect and care for others, characteristics that are evident in his works that since last Thursday are exhibited in the Gustavo Gómez Ardila and Rafael Prada Ardila halls of the UIS.

This exhibition is a unique and unrepeatable opportunity to enter into the deepest and most intimate world of the artist, with the complicity and support of the guardians of his work: His wife Paloma Silva Ardila and his son Julián David Rincón, who was present at the opening and expressed his joy that his father is being honored.
“He, as an artist, was a master of color, of line, he had a very, very beautiful line. Here you can more or less see it, but in other originals that I have, you can see the line, a neat line. He was also my father, one of the last pencilists of Santander.
“Where can you find him, in the leaf of a tree, in a sunset, in a good art talk, in a good drawing, when you see a good drawing, a good line, there is my dad, and you can talk to him.
Paula Juliana Costo Preciado, cultural director of the UIS, explained about the work and added that it will be open to the public for a month.

“From the Cultural Direction we are making a tribute to Luis Domingo, better known as ‘Domingó’, with his artwork, a work full of inspiration, colors, feelings, trajectories and experiences that throughout his life he was able to reflect in different paintings, as we are going to see here in the exhibition halls of the Cultural Direction. We really wanted to pay tribute to the life and work of master Domingo, through his work, through his experiences and through his journey as an artist, as a painter, as a graphic designer and as a cultural manager, who apart from everything was present in Vanguardia Liberal as one of the most important cartoonists of the newspaper.
“In our rooms of the Cultural Direction we will have it for a month, so that all attendees here at the university and the community in general, can come and enjoy all his work that we managed to have from the work that also very kindly his son was able to provide us so that the Industrial University of Santander could expose that work so important and so beautiful that Santander has.”

Visitors to the exhibition expressed the importance of such events for the culture of Santander. “It is very important that art reaches all people, this is one of the spaces where we say that, mainly students, but also all bumangueses, can appreciate art and support the culture of Santander”: Dario Plata Rueda, visitor.
It should be noted that admission is completely free for those who wish to learn more about this artist from Santander through his works, his sketches and even his cup of coffee.