On November 28 and 29, the Directorate of External Relations of the Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) actively participated in the National Assembly of the Colombian Network for Internationalization, an event that took place at the University of Quindío (Uniquindío). This assembly brought together representatives of various educational institutions and entities related to international cooperation, with the aim of strengthening the internationalization of higher education in Colombia.
During the meeting, keynote lectures, panels, talks and working groups were held to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences among attendees. The agenda included the presentation of Colombia’s internationalization policy, presented by the Vice Minister of Higher Education, Ricardo Moreno Patiño. This space was held simultaneously with the event “Public diplomacy and international cooperation for the territories”, which allowed addressing the importance of cooperation in the educational and social development of the country.
For Liliana del Pilas Castro Molano, Director of External Relations UIS, “It was important to participate as a university, because we contribute to the socialization of the Internationalization Policy of the universities, which will be a baseline of internationalization in Colombia”; she also stressed that relations were strengthened by rectors and directors of external relations.
The assembly was attended by the Network of Public Technical, Professional, Technological and University Institutions, ICETEX, Colombia Challenge Your Knowledge, and the Colombian Association of Universities. Also present were directors of international relations offices, ambassadors from countries such as the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Japan, as well as representatives of the Tika Cooperation Agency, who shared their perspectives on the relevance of internationalization in the current educational context.
The participation of the UIS in this event highlights its commitment to the integral formation of its students and its interest in establishing international links that enrich the academic and cultural experience of the university community.