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The UIS commemorates Working Women’s Day: strength, courage and dedication

Image showing UIS women

The Universidad Industrial de Santander recognizes and celebrates the fundamental role that women play in our society and for this reason a special event was held to celebrate the strength, courage and dedication of UIS workers.

“It is women who contribute to the excellence of the University in all areas, never stop being women, enjoy their leadership skills, kindness, natural and subtle delicacy in the service of humanity and in this case in the service of the University,” said Rector Hernán Porras Díaz during the event.

Image showing attendees in the auditorium

In this way, the unwavering commitment to support women in their personal and professional growth was reaffirmed, recognizing that each contribution is vital for progress.

“This kind of events are great because they promote fellowship, equality and bring together the entire UIS community, as I said, not only professors, not only administrative staff, but also the girls who support us in the cleaning department, the women who visit the UIS”, said Jenny Patricia Ostos, a professional from the School of Chemical Engineering.

During the activity, a talk and reflections on March 8 were given by Marely Constanza Cely Silva, professor of labor law, who spoke about the division of sexuality in the workplace.

Image showing Marely Constanza Cely

This celebration was much more than a symbolic act and was a reflection of the university’s deep desire to promote an inclusive and equitable environment to encourage new generations to dream big, break barriers and move boldly towards a future where equality and respect reign.

Image showing the stage of the Luis A. Calvo Auditorium.