The main campus of the Universidad Industrial de Santander will once again be the stage for the 31st edition of the UIS Athletic Race, next Sunday, March 6th.
As a precautionary measure against the presence of COVID-19, the organization decided that only the UIS Community (students, professors, and workers) will participate in-person modality and within the facilities of the institution.
The route will have an extension of four kilometers. The starting point will be the parking lot of the Luis A. Calvo Auditorium and will border the entire University until finishing at the athletics track of the Primero de Marzo stadium.
For the categories of UIS graduates, national and international university students and the Unique Open (external), the same virtual format of the 2021 edition will be used. That is to say that each person must register, then receive an e-mail with all the necessary data and between February 27th and March 6th can run the four kilometers in the place of their choice and then send their results to the organization of the competition.
This dynamic was decided because the staff attending the UIS is monitored on a daily basis and therefore there is a greater control of health conditions. While with the external staff would be a risk of contagion,, and therefore it is preferred that these categories are run virtually as last year.
For now, the registrations are not open, it is estimated that the first week of February the links will be ready so that each person can go ahead with the registration process.
“We are working on the links, there will be two, one for the virtual categories and another for the in-person modality. We are carrying out the process because in the UIS one each participant will have a chip with the assigned number in order to follow up. And in the other modality we have to organize everything related to technology, as we did last year. We hope that in the first days of February we will be able to open registrations”, informed Fabio Villafrades González, director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of the UIS. In last year’s virtual edition of the Athletic Race, 1,776 people participated.