Communications Department
The central campus of the Universidad Industrial de Santander will be the stage where the 31st edition of the Athletic Race will take place this Sunday, March 6th.
For security reasons the start will be divided by gender. The women will start at 7:00 a.m. and once they finish, the men will start.
“We return with the in-person modality of the Athletic Race; we will have a four-kilometer circuit. We hope that in the future, hopefully next year, we can take it to the city so that the entire population can participate and do physical activity,” said Fabio Villafrades Gonzalez, director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports UIS.
The start will be from the parking lot of the Luis A. Calvo auditorium, passing in front of the Primero de Marzo stadium to find the route towards Cenivam; from there the route will leave along Carrera 30 to re-enter the University and continue straight to the Faculty of Human Sciences to skirt the institution, ending at the athletic track of the Primero de Marzo stadium.
“It is an event we are looking forward to, we have high expectations for the route that is coming. We have never had the opportunity to run the race at the University. The fact that it is in-person is an advantage for me because there is more adrenaline in the sports development,” explained Adriana Afanador Velasco, a professional of the Internal Control and Management Evaluation Department. She was last year’s winner in her category.
For their part, UIS alumni, national and international university students and external students will continue with the virtual format used in 2021.
Those registered have the possibility of running the four kilometers, between February 27th and March 6th, in the place of their choice. The times will be measured through a mobile application that the organization decided and those results should be sent to the UIS Athletic Race directives for further review. For more information write to carreratleticauis2022@gmail.com or call 3172699692 or 6344000 extensions 1143 – 1145.