During this week, the meeting called: Summer School “Bridging the gap between Design and Computing: A User Experience (UX) approach” was held at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, which had the international participation of Professor Nick Hine, an expert on the subject and who is currently the coordinator of the master’s degree in User Experience at Goldsmiths University in London.
On this occasion, the meeting aimed to train students from the School of Systems and Computer Engineering and Industrial Design in work trends around user experience, the design and development of technological products, since, as Nick Hine highlighted In his talk, many people who do computer science in Colombia have a programming job for multinational companies or design for multinational companies and it is important to confront students with this, to show them what work is like when two disciplines come together and how they can develop and design technical solutions for them here in Colombia.
This meeting has had the participation of 20 students and has been directed by professors Lola Bautista and Luis Eduardo Bautista, from the Systems and Computer Engineering and Industrial Design schools, respectively, and it is possible thanks to the support of the Relations Office UIS and Icetex exteriors.
“I think it is important that students learn to listen to users, not just design from their own experience or their own imagination, but actually design systems and solutions that are tailored to users, not just in the user interface, but also on the technology behind that interface that enables the interface to work and enables the solution to work,” said Nick Hine, Coordinating Professor of the MSc User Experience at Goldsmiths University.
The students, for their part, were grateful to the university for providing these spaces, in which they have the opportunity to expand their knowledge in a more specific and personalized way, as well as to integrate with colleagues from other areas with whom they hope to share projects, in your professional future.
“I highlight from the experience the fact that we have combined to work as a group, to create new solutions and experiences based on what we have learned, just as I highlight the work of the university in integrating these activities that I consider are important to open the perspective and the mind to different things, supporting this type of thing inspires us to be better and to create better ideas for our careers”, said Alexandra Vega Camelo, student of Industrial Design.
This course has been oriented so that students improve their technical and communicative abilities to execute software development projects and in this way consolidation of academic and research relationships is generated that allow the realization of projects jointly and the exchange of knowledge both in the computer science area as well as in the design area.